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Event Name:
Club Meeting
08/12/2021 07:00 PM PDT
08/12/2021 09:00 PM PDT
The Local Group, Santa Clarita, CA 91321

The Local Group Astronomy Club looks forward to seeing you at our August monthly club meeting this coming Thursday evening, August 12, beginning at 6:30 PM PDT.
Here's the link and log-in info for this month's Zoom virtual club meeting:
Meeting ID: 210 869 6530
Password: 699869

We have exciting topics to discuss and present at this meeting!
IMPORTANT! If you are a current Local Group member in good standing, please make sure that you have completed and returned your ballot for our Local Group Board election for 2021-2022!
Our newly elected Board will be serving our club and members to guide our club activities, with your input, for this upcoming club year.
If you haven't yet sent in your ballot, a copy is attached to this email. Please return the completed ballot to our Election Chairman, David Kistler, at david8441@att.net, no later than 12 noon on the day of the club meeting, August 12.
Thanks for your participation!

6:30 PM Introduction/Discussion/Board Election results
Please join our Zoom virtual meeting at this time to make sure your connection is working properly to enjoy the meeting, and to meet and greet fellow club members and guests. During this part of the meeting, we will report the Board Election results,
Share information about upcoming events and address questions and member inputs about club activities of particular interest during this new 2021-2022 club year.

7:15 PM Presentation: "How to Polar Align your telescope"
Club member Vahid Talaie will explain how to perform polar alignment on a telescope.
Polar alignment is the process of aligning the rotational axis of a telescope's equatorial mount (a very popular and versatile type of mount used in today's telescopes) with the celestial pole (typically the North Pole for those of us residing around these parts).
Polar alignment is a valuable technique to learn, and it is especially important if you get involved in activities such as long-exposure astrophotography (which is used to produce many of the very cool, spectacular photographs of night sky objects that you can see in our Facebook page and What's Up newsletter).

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Location Info:

Our virtual meeting place.


The zoom link provided in the announcement will take you to the meeting. You may need to download the free Zoom application for your platform. Please do so ahead of time so you don't miss the start of the meeting while you get set up.

Please keep your mic muted as random background sounds make it difficult to hear the presentation.

We will provide a unique meeting ID for each meeting.

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